Department of Electromechanical Engineering


Dr. Song Qiang

PhD from the University of Science and Technology-Beijing (China)

Magnetic Nondestructive Testing

Mechatronic transmission & control; Principle and application of programmable controller

Email:   TEL: 13683615934  Fax:
Address of Office: College of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, 18 Fuxue Road, Changping, Beijing China 102249

1.    Song Q*, Shuai J, Wang X, Gong J. Tridimensional magnetic field analysis for MFL defect characterization. Advanced Science Letters, 19(8), 2277-2281, 2013
2.    Song Q*. Interacting effects of clustering defects on MFL signals using FEA. Insight, 55(10), 558-560, 2013
3.    Song Q*. Effects of magnetic concentrator on MFL signals using FEA. The 2011 International conference on Industry, Information System and Material Engineering, 4.16-17, Guangzhou, 2011. (Advanced Materials Research, 204-210, 1956-1959, 2011)
4.    Song Q*. Surface inspection using computer vision and gradient spectrum. The 2011 International conference on Industry, Information System and Material Engineering, 4.16-17, Guangzhou, 2011. (Advanced Materials Research, 204-210, 1964-1967, 2011)
5.    Song Q*. Automated visual inspection of surface defects on hot-rolled plate. The 2011 International conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 4.09-11, Guilin, 2011. (Advanced Materials Research, 201-203, 1619-1622, 2011)
6.    Song Q*. 3D finite element analysis for magnetic flux leakage testing. The 2011 International conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 4.09-11, Guilin, 2011. (Advanced Materials Research, 201-203, 1623-1626, 2011)
7.    Song Q*. A new multi-scale texture analysis with structural texel. The 2011 International conference on Computer Science and Information Engineering, 5.21-22, Zhengzhou, 2011. (Communications in Computer and Information Science, 152, 61-66, 2011)
8.    Song Q*. Illumination invariant texture classification with pattern co-occurrence matrix. The 2011 International conference on Computer Science and Information Engineering, 5.21-22, Zhengzhou, 2011. (Communications in Computer and Information Science, 152, 67-72, 2011)
9.    Song Q*. Affine texture analysis with scale-area histogram. The 2011 International conference on Advanced Materials and Computer Science, 5.1-2, Chengdu, 2011. (Key Engineering Materials, 474-476, 1183-1186, 2011)
10.  Song Q*. Numerical simulation and analysis on magnetizing exciter for magnetic flux leakage. The 2011 International conference on Advanced Materials and Computer Science, 5.1-2, Chengdu, 2011. (Key Engineering Materials, 474-476, 1187-1190, 2011)
11.  Song Q*. Data fusion for MFL signal characterization. The 2010 International conference on Frontiers of manufacturing and Design Science, 12.11-12, Chongqing, 2010. (Applied Mechanics and Materials, 44-47, 3519-3523, 2011)
12.  Song Q*. Effects of apparatus parameters on MFL signals using orthogonal experimental design. The 2010 International conference on Frontiers of manufacturing and Design Science, 12.11-12, Chongqing, 2010. (Applied Mechanics and Materials, 44-47, 3524-3528, 2011)
13.  Song Q*. Surface defect detection using texture features and RBFN. The 2010 International conference on Frontiers of manufacturing and Design Science, 12.11-12, Chongqing, 2010. (Applied Mechanics and Materials, 44-47, 3529-3533, 2011)