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2011.9-2014.6 中国石油大学(北京)工商管理学院,石油工程管理专业博士学位
2012.9-2013.9 瑞典乌普萨拉大学地球科学系,国家公派联合培养博士生
2009.9-2011.6 中国石油大学(北京)工商管理学院,金融学专业硕士学位
2005.9-2009.6 中国石油大学(北京)工商管理学院,市场营销专业学士学位
2006.9-2009.6 中国石油大学(北京)石油工程学院,石油工程专业双学士学位
2014.7- 中国石油大学(北京)工商管理学院,讲师(校青年拔尖人才)

 1. 国家自然科学基金(青年基金项目):页岩气开发环境影响量化评估与管理政策研究(项目编号:71503264)。项目执行期:2016.1.1-2018.12.31.项目经费:18万元;主持

2. 教育部人文社会科学青年基金:中国页岩气开发潜力及对区域水资源消耗的影响研究(项目编号:15YJC630121)。项目执行期2016.1.1-2018.12.31.项目经费:8万元;主持
3. 国际合作项目:Studies of the future trends of Chinese coal market and potential growth in global fossil fuels supply(项目编号:21080)。项目执行期:2014.3-2014.9. 项目经费:4.5万. 主持
4. 中国石油大学(北京)青年拔尖人才启动基金:世界非常规油气资源开发潜力及其对能源供应和气候变化的影响研究(项目编号:2462014YJRC024)。项目执行期:2014.9-2017.12. 项目经费:15万. 主持
5. 国家能源局项目:能源革命情景下的油气生产峰值问题研究。项目执行期: 2014.12-2016.12. 项目经费:10万. 主持


1. Wang J.L.*, Feng L.Y., Tang X., Bentley Y.M., Höök M. The implications of fossil fuel supply constraints on climate change projections: A supply-side analysis. Futures, 2016. Accepted. (SSCI, Q2, IF=1.017)
2. Wang J.L.*, Feng L.Y. Curve-fitting models for fossil fuel production forecasting: Key influence factors. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 32, 138-149. (SCI/EI; IF:2.157)
3. Wang J.L., Mohr S., Feng L.Y., Liu H.H.*, Tverberg G.E. Analysis of resource potential for China’s unconventional gas and forecast for its long-term production growth. Energy Policy, 2016, 88, 389-401 (SCI, SSCI,EI; IF:2.696).
4. Wang J.L.*, Feng L.Y. Mohr S. Tang X. Tverberg E.G. Hook M. China's unconventional oil: a review of its resources and outlook for long-term production. Energy, 2015, 82, 31-42. (SCI, EI; IF=4.844)
5. Wang, J.L.*, Feng, L.Y., Davidsson, S., Höök, M. Chinese coal supply and future production outlooks. Energy, 2013, 60, 204-214. (SCI, EI; IF=4.844).
6. Wang, J.L.*, Feng, L.Y., Tverberg, G.E. An analysis of China's coal supply and its impact on China's future economic growth. Energy Policy, 2013, 57, 542-551. (SCI, EI, SSCI; IF=2.696).
7. Wang, J.L.*, Feng, L.Y., Zhao, L., Snowden, S. China's natural gas: Resources, production and its impacts. Energy Policy, 2013, 55, 690-698. (SCI, EI, SSCI; IF=2.696).
8. Wang, J.L.*, Feng, L.Y., Zhao, L., Snowden, S., Wang, X. A comparison of two typical multicyclic models used to forecast the world’s conventional oil production. Energy Policy, 2011, 39(12): 7616-7621. (SCI, EI, SSCI; IF=2.696).
9. Wang, J.L.*, Feng, L.Y., Tverberg, G.E. Chinese Latest Long-Term Oil Production Planning: Is it Achievable? Geopolitics of Energy, 2013, 35(11/12): 12-17.
10. 王建良*, 冯连勇. 世界石油出口能力预测及对中国石油进口的影响.预测,2011,30(3):6-10 (CSSCI, CSCD).
11. 王建良*, 冯连勇. 页岩气开发水资源影响及温室气体排放研究评述.中国矿业.2016,25(4): 61-67.(中文核心).
12. Thorbjornsson A., Watchtmeister H., Wang J.L.*, Hook M. Carbon capture and coal consumption: Implications of energy penalties and large scale deployment. Energy Strategy Reviews. 2015, 7: 18-28. (EI)
13. Mohr, S*, Wang, J.L., Ellem, G., Ward, J., Giurco, D. Projection of World Fossil Fuels by Country. Fuel, 2015 (141): 120-135. (SCI, EI; IF=3.406)
14. Hu, Y. *, Hall, C.A.S., Wang, J.L., Feng, L.Y., Poisson, A. Energy Return on Investment (EROI) of China's conventional fossil fuels: Historical and future trends. Energy, 2013, 54, 352-364. (SCI, EI; IF=4.844).
15. Yang G.F., Li X.N., Wang J.L., Lian L.*, Ma T.J. Modeling oil production based on symbolic regression. Energy Policy, 2015, 82, 48-61 (SCI, SSCI,EI; IF:2.696).
16. Yang G.F.*, Sun T., Wang J.L., Li X.N. Modeling the nexus between carbon dioxide emissions and economic growth. Energy Policy, 2015, 86, 104-117 (SCI, SSCI,EI; IF:2.696).
17. Yang G.F.*, Li W.L., Wang J.L., Zhang D.Q. A comparative study on the influential factors of China's provincial energy intensity. Energy Policy, 2016, 88, 74-85 (SCI, SSCI,EI; IF:2.696).
18. Xu B.*, Feng L.Y., Wei W.X., Hu Y., Wang J.L. A Preliminary Forecast of the Production Status of China’s Daqing Oil field from the Perspective of  EROI. Sustainability 2014, 6, 8262-8282. (SCI, SSCI; IF:1.077)
19. Guo R., Luo D.K.*, Zhao X., Wang J.L. Integrated Evaluation Method-Based Technical and Economic Factors for International Oil Exploration Projects. Sustainability 2016, 8(2), 188; (SCI, SSCI; IF:1.077)
20. 徐博, 冯连勇, 王建良, William W. 美国页岩气开发甲烷排放控制措施及对我国的启示. 生态经济, 2016(2):106-110. (中文核心)
21. 冯连勇, 邢彦姣,王建良,姜鑫民,翟圣佳. 美国页岩气开发中的环境与监管问题及其启示[J].天然气工业.2012, 32(9), 102-105. (EI收录).
22. 王建良, 冯连勇. 廉价煤炭时代的终结[J].中国煤炭,2011,37(6):123-125. 
23. 冯连勇, 王建良, 赵林. 预测天然气产量的多循环模型的构建及应用[J].天然气工业, 2010, 30(7): 110-112. 
24. 杨兴,胡燕,王建良,冯连勇. 峰值研究:已从石油峰值扩展到化石能源峰值[J].中国矿业, 2009, 18(8):39-42. 
25. 胡燕, 冯连勇,王建良.后石油时代已经来临[J].当代世界, 2009, (7): 52-54.
26. 冯连勇,王建良,刘申奥艺.对有关国家油气矿权管理制度的思考[J].国际石油经济,2012,20(4): 21-25.
27. 尹成国,冯连勇,王建良.美国军事用油现状分析[J].国际石油经济,2011,19(8):55-64.
28. 周建双,王建良.国外天然气定价与监管模式比较[J].中国物价,2011,(11):60-63.
1. Feng, L.Y., Hu, Y., Hall, C.A., Wang, J.L. The Chinese Oil Industry: History and Future. Springer, 2013.
2. 冯连勇, 王建良, 王月. 峰值的幽灵:能源枯竭与文明的危机.北京:社会科学文献出版社, 2013.
