
Zhiming Wang

Personal Profile

College of Petroleum Engineering




Research Areas

Unconventional natural gas development technology

Complex wellbore flow and completion engineering

Research Group Introduction

Wang Zhiming's research fields include complex wellbore flow and completion engineering and unconventional natural gas development technology.


[1] Partition perforation optimization for horizontal wells based on genetic algorithms, SPE Drilling & Completion, 2011

[2] Critical Thickness of a Low Permeable Coal Bed for Horizontal Well Production in China, Energy Sources, Part A,2011

[3] A study on the thickness of a cutting bed monitor and control in an extended reach well; Petroleum Science and Technology,2011

[4] A coupled reservoir/wellbore model for aclculating pressure and inflow profile along a horizontal well with stinger completion; Petroleum Science and Technology,2011

[5] Study On Three-Layer Unsteady Model of Cuttings Transport for Extended-Reach Well,Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2010

[6] Numerical simulation on deepwater drilling wellbore temperature and pressure distribution,Petroleum Science and Technology,2010