Department of Petroleum Geology
Resume of Chenglin Liu
¨ Personal information
Family Name: Liu; Given Name: Chenglin
Address: College of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, 18 Fuxue Road, Changping, Beijing, P. R. China, 102249
Office Phone: 86-10-89733922; Mobile Phone: 86-13717620681
Email: Liucl@cup.edu.cn, lclzgx@126.com
¨ Education and training
09/2008~09/2009 Postdoctor researches in U.S. Geological Survey.
09/2001~07/2004 Major in reservoir geology and receive the degree of Doctor in China University of Petroleum-Beijing, China.
09/1999~07/2001 Major in organic geochemistry in China University of Petroleum-Beijing, China.
09/1990~07/1994 Major in petroleum geology and receive the degree of B.S in China University of Petroleum-Beijing, China.
¨ Working Experience
1994.7~1999.8 Engineer, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Petrochina.
Since July of 2004 Professor, College of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum-Beijing.
¨ Major Publications
[1] Chenglin Liu, Zhiqiang Wang, Changbo Che, et al. The reserve-growth model of oil fields in the Bohai Bay basin, China. AAPG Bulletin, 2014, 98 (12): 2611–2628.
[2] Chenglin Liu, ChangboChe, Jie Zhu, et al. Comparison of petroleum resources assessments of China by the U.S. Geological Survey and China’s National Petroleum Assessment. AAPG Bulletin, 2012, 96(8): 1415–1427.
[3] Chenglin Liu, Haohan Li, Xu Zhang, et al. Geochemical characteristics of the Paleogene and Neogene saline lacustrine source rocks in the Western Qaidam Basin, Northwestern China. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30: 4537−4549.
[4] Chenglin Liu, Ronald R. Charpentier, and Jin Su. Comparison of two methods used to model shape parameters of Pareto distributions. Mathematical Geosciences, 2011, 43(7): 847-859.
[5] Chenglin Liu and Ronald R. Charpentier. Quality of the log-geometric distribution extrapolation for smaller undiscovered oil and gas pool size. Natural Resources Research, 2010,19 (1): 11-21.