首页» 过刊浏览» 2017» Vol. 2» Issue (3) 422-430     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2017.03.039
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黄亮1,2 宁正福1,2,王庆1,2,秦慧博3,叶洪涛1,2,张文通1,2,李钟原1,2孙一丹1,2
1 中国石油大学(北京)油气资源与探测国家重点实验室,北京 102249 2 中国石油大学(北京)石油工程学院,北京 102249 3 中国石油大学(北京)重质油国家重点实验室,北京 102249
Effect of moisture on CH4/CO2 adsorption on kerogen: A molecular simulation study
HUANG Liang1,2, NING Zhengfu1,2, WANG Qing1,2, QIN Huibo3, YE Hongtao1,2, ZHANG Wentong1,2, LI Zhongyuan1,2, SUN Yidan1,2
1 State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Engineering, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China 2 School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China 3 State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China

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摘要  CH4和CO2在不同湿度页岩干酪根中的吸附行为对页岩CO2埋存具有重要指导意义。本文采用分子动力学(MD)方法构建和优化干燥的干酪根模型,采用巨正则蒙托卡罗(GCMC)方法构建不同湿度含量的干酪根模型,并模拟CH4、CO2单组分及其混合气体在干酪根模型中的吸附行为。通过分析湿度对CH4和CO2吸附量、等量吸附热和吸附选择性的影响,对页岩CO2埋存提高气体采收率的潜在可行性进行了探讨。研究发现:①水分子在高湿度下易形成笼形团簇结构,恶化CO2置换CH4的效果;②页岩CO2埋存提高CH4采收率在低储层压力条件下开发效果更好;③CO2置换CH4的效果在低湿度下随湿度含量增加而得到改善,对于干酪根成熟度较高的页岩储层,可考虑在气藏开发后期注入CO2和一定水蒸气含量的混合物。
关键词 : CH4吸附, CO2吸附, 竞争吸附, 干酪根, 湿度, 分子模拟

  The adsorption behaviors of CH4 and CO2 on moist kerogen are vital to understand the process of CO2sequestration and shale gas exploitation. In this work, a realistic type II dry kerogen model was constructed and optimized by the molecular dynamics (MD) method. Then moist kerogen models with various moisture contents (0.7 wt.%, 1.4 wt.%, 2.1 wt.% and 2.8 wt.%) were developed by Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulations, and the adsorption characteristics of CH4, CO2 and their mixtures on these kerogen models were investigated. Based on the influences of moisture content on the adsorption capacity, isosteric heat of adsorption and adsorption selectivity of gas molecules, the potential feasibility of CO2 sequestration and enhanced shale gas recovery was discussed. Results show that water molecules are prone to aggregate into cage cluster structures at high moisture content, worsening the replacement effect of CH4 by CO2. The development effect of shale gas reservoirs with CO2 sequestration is better at low reservoir pressure. Moreover, the development effect for CO2 replacing CH4 can be improved by increasing the kerogen moisture content at low moisture conditions. For a shale gas reservoir with higher thermal maturity, it can be beneficial to inject some mixtures of CO2 and a certain amount of steam at the late development stage in order to enhance the shale gas recovery.

Key words: CH4 adsorption CO2 adsorption competitive adsorption kerogen moisture molecular simulation
收稿日期: 2017-04-12     
基金资助:国家自然科学基金“页岩气多组分竞争吸附机理研究”(51774298)、国家自然科学基金“基于CT扫描及数字岩心的致密油多尺度渗吸机理研究”(51504265)、中国石油大学(北京)优秀青年教师研究项目“基于非介入可视化技术的致密油藏渗吸机理研究” (2462015YQ0223) 联合资助
通讯作者: 宁正福, nzf@cup.edu.cn
黄亮,宁正福,王庆,秦慧博,叶洪涛,张文通,李钟原,孙一丹. 湿度对CH4/CO2在干酪根中吸附的影响:分子模拟研究[J]. 石油科学通报, 2017, 2(3): 422-430. HUANG Liang, NING Zhengfu, WANG Qing, QIN Huibo, YE Hongtao, ZHANG Wentong, LI Zhongyuan, SUN Yidan. Effect of moisture on CH4/CO2 adsorption on kerogen: A molecular simulation study. Petroleum Science Bulletin, 2017, 2(3): 422-430.
版权所有 2016 《石油科学通报》杂志社