首页» 过刊浏览» 2018» Vol. 3» Issue (3) 302-312     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2018.03.027
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基于膨胀材料的新型 AICD 结构设计及其性能实验研究
1 中国石油大学 ( 北京 ) 石油工程学院,北京102249;2 胜利石油管理局博士后科研工作站,东营 257001
A novel AICD structure design and its performance analysis
WANG Xiaoqiu, WANG Zhiming, ZHAO Lin
1Petroleum Engineering College, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China ;2 Post-Doctoral Research Station of Shengli Petroleum Administration Bureau, Dongying 57001, China

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摘要  水平井易在高渗层段、裂缝处过早见水,为了解决该问题国内外研发了多种流入控制装置 (ICD)。传统 ICD 存在流动阻力等级恒定、见水后失效等问题,而国际上主要应用的自适应式流入控制装置 (AICD) 存在结 构复杂、适用范围小等缺点,限制了其推广应用。本文基于多级限流原理,结合遇水膨胀材料创新提出了一种 AICD 结构。利用数值模拟软件进行了结构参数优化及流体敏感性分析,并进行了全尺寸物理模拟实验。研究结 果表明,该装置结构简单,防堵能力强,水油压差明显,对流体黏度、密度不敏感,装置应用范围广泛,在油 井的各个生产阶段都具有卓越的性能。
关键词 : 自适应式流入控制装置;数值模拟;全尺寸物理模拟实

In long horizontal wells, bottom water breakthrough is usually encountered due to reservoir heterogeneity and anisotropy. Traditional inflow control device (ICD) structures have disadvantages such as possessing a permanent flow resist rate and being disabled when meeting water. The main application autonomous inflow control device (AICD) usually has a complex structure or narrow application ranges problems which limits its applicability. The paper raised an novel AICD structure design combining a continuous jet principle and water swelling rubber (WSR). Sensibilities testing and its structure advantages were studied based on numerical simulation and full-scale physical experiments. The result shows that the device has a simple structure which provides an outstanding anti-blocking property and is insensitive to viscosity or density. The structure has a wide application range and can maintain excellent performance in all production stages.

Key words: autonomous inflow control device; structure optimization; numerical simulation; full-scale experiment; performance
收稿日期: 2017-02-21     
基金资助:国家自然科学基金面上项目“水平井油气水砂多相复杂流动规律研究”( 编号:51474225) 和国家自然科学基金重点项目“深水油气钻采 井筒压力控制基础研究”( 编号:51734010) 联合资助
通讯作者: 汪志明,wellcompletion@126.com
版权所有 2016 《石油科学通报》杂志社