首页» 过刊浏览» 2021» Vol.6» Issue(4) 566-575     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2021.04.039
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季岭,刘钰铭,郭小龙,王飞,张容基 ,孙建 ,鲍磊
1 中国石油大港油田公司,沧州 061000 2 中国石油大学(北京),北京 102249
Geological controlling factors of single well productivity in perforated and fractured reservoir in Zaoyuan oilfield
JI Ling, LIU Yuming , GUO Xiaolong, WANG Fei , ZHANG Rongji , SUN Jian, BAO Lei
1 Dagang Oilfield Company of PetroChina, Cangzhou 061000, China 2 China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China

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摘要  针对火山岩油藏单井产能差异大的问题,以枣园油田中生界火山岩 油藏为例,综合应用岩心、测井、地震等静态资料以及动态数据, 对不同地质因素进行分析,明确岩性岩相、储层厚度、油柱高度以 及裂缝发育情况对单井产能的影响,将单井产能划分为产能稳定递 减型、产能迅速递减型以及低产或无产能型 3 类。
关键词 : 火山岩油气藏;产能特征;主控因素;中生界;岩相;安山岩
The Mesozoic volcanic reservoir in Zaoyuan oilfield is mainly composed of andesite, with proven reserves of 1355.87×10 4 t. With the deepening of development, it has entered the high water-cut period, and the further development has great difficulty. Taking   the Andesite reservoir of Zaoyuan oilfield as an example, this paper analyzes the productivity characteristics of single well and the   controlling factors of its differences by comprehensively applying static and dynamic data such as core, well logging and seismic data,   and establishes the productivity evaluation standard of the target layer in the study area. The volcanic reservoir space in this area is mainly   dominated by secondary dissolution pores, and fractures play a role of communication pores. The analysis shows that there is a good  correlation between the productivity of volcanic rock well and lithofacies in this area, in which the outburst phase and overflow phase   are the main reservoirs. In addition, productivity is positively correlated with reservoir thickness and fracture development. Column  height and post-production measures also have a significant impact on the productivity of a single well. Through the research on the  productivity characteristics of single well in reservoir, this paper summarizes three types of single well productivity and classification  standards in this area: class I stable declining productivity type, class II rapidly declining productivity type, and class III low production  
or proletarian productivity type. Class I single well was drilled with a reservoir thickness greater than 70 m, and the lithofacies was  outburst phase and overflow phase. The height of single well oil column is greater than 150 m, and the variance attribute value is greater   than 0.6. Class II single well is drilled with reservoir thickness of 35~70 m and the rock facies is overflow facies. The height of single   well oil column is 90~150 m, and the value of variance attribute value is 0.15~0.6. Class III single well was drilled with reservoir   thickness less than 35 m, and the rock facies was overflow facies. The height of single well oil column is less than 90 m, and the value of   corresponding variance attribute is less than 0.15. The controlling factors of single well productivity difference in volcanic reservoir have   certain guiding significance for oilfield to determine favorable reservoir area and oil well deployment and development in the next step

Key words: volcanic rocks reservoirs; productivity characteristics; main controlling factors; Mesozoic; lithofacies; andesite
收稿日期: 2021-12-29     
基金资助:国家自然科学基金(42172154、42072146)、中国石油大学( 北京) 科研基金(2462020YXZZ022) 联合资助
通讯作者: liuym@cup.edu.cn
JI Ling, LIU Yuming, GUO Xiaolong, WANG Fei, ZHANG Rongji, SUN Jian, BAO Lei. Geological controlling factors of single well productivity in perforated and fractured reservoir in Zaoyuan oilfield. Petroleum Science Bulletin, 2021, 04: 566-575. doi: 10.3969/ j.issn.2096-1693.2021.04.039
版权所有 2016 《石油科学通报》杂志社