首页» 过刊浏览» 2022» Vol.7» Issue(1) 81-92     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2022.01.008
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CFD-DEM 耦合的干热岩人工裂隙内暂堵剂运移规律研究
1 北京石油化工学院机械工程学院,北京 102617 2 中国石油大学(北京)非常规油气科学技术研究院,北京 102249
Investigation into the migration characteristics of temporary diverting agent in hydraulic fracturing of hot dry rock based on CFD-DEM coupling
QIN Hao , WANG Daobing , YANG Kai , ZHANG Shaoliang , SUN Dongliang , YU Bo
1 School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Beijing 102617, China 2 Research Institute of Unconventional Oil and Gas Science and Technology, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing

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摘要  稳定运动状态下,暂堵剂质量浓度增大,颗粒运动速度降低,颗粒 间相互作用力增大。暂堵剂颗粒质量浓度由 4%增大至 8%的过程 中,缝内暂堵剂颗粒间相互作用力不断增大,当暂堵剂运动达到相 对稳定的状态后,质量浓度增大一倍,颗粒间的相互作用力增大超 过 43.8%。质量浓度增大后,相同裂缝尺度内颗粒间相互接触碰撞增 多,一定程度上减缓了颗粒运动速度,有助于后期暂堵剂在缝内的形 成有效封堵。
关键词 : 干热岩;暂堵转向压裂;CFD-DEM耦合;暂堵剂运移;颗粒间相互作用

Temporary plugging reorientation fracturing is one of the most promising technologies to improve the heat mining of hot dry rock, The existing numerical simulation model for the migration process of temporary plugging agent in fractures is relatively simplified, and it is difficult to accurately describe the complex flow process of a temporary plugging agent in fractures, and to capture the real movement and interaction of particles in the fracture. In order to accurately understand the migration regularity and the interaction mechanism between particles of temporary diverting agents in the hydraulic fractures of hot dry rock, the particle movement and fluid flow in the fracture are described by the Euler-Lagrange approach, through the bidirectional coupling of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and the discrete element method (DEM),the CFD-DEM coupling model of particulate temporary diverting agents transportation in hydraulic fractures is established. Numerical results demonstrate that the main factors affecting the understanding of temporary diverting agent migration in hydraulic fractures of hot dry rock are: the carrier fluid viscosity, temporary diverting agent mass concentration, the flow state of the carrier fluid and the friction coefficient between particles.. However, the friction coefficient between particles has less influence on the interparticle interaction force in the hydraulic fracture. The friction force between particles is relatively small and it is difficult to overcome the influence of fluid flow on particle velocity. During the process of increasing the carrier fluid viscosity from 0.03mPa•s to 120mPa•s, the average velocity of the temporary diverting agents in the hydraulic fracture decreased by more than 77%, With the increase of viscosity, the increase of velocity of temporary plugging agent particles in cracks decreases gradually, and the velocity of particles at the exit and fluid flow rate decrease significantly. With an increase of the mass concentration of temporary plugging agent, the interaction force between particles increases continuously. When the transport of the temporary diverting agent reached a relatively stable state, the mass concentration doubled and, the interaction force between the particles increased by more than 44%. When the carrying fluid in the fracture shows local turbulence, the velocity of the particles and the interaction force between the particles change significantly, and the interaction between the particles increases more than 150 times compared with the normal flow condition. The research results of this paper have important theoretical and instructive significance for guiding the optimization of the dosage of temporary diverting agents.

Key words: hot dry rock; temporary plugging and diverting fracturing; CFD-DEM coupling; temporary diverting agent migration; interaction between the particles
收稿日期: 2022-03-30     
基金资助:国家自然科学基金项目(No.51936001) 和北京市自然科学基金项目(No. 3222030) 联合资助
通讯作者: upcwdb@bipt.edu.cn.
秦浩, 汪道兵, 杨凯, 张绍良, 孙东亮, 宇波. CFD-DEM耦合的干热岩人工裂隙内暂堵剂运移规律研究 石油科学通报, 2021, 02: 81-92 QIN Hao, WANG Daobing, YANG Kai, ZHANG Shaoliang, SUN Dongliang, YU Bo. Investigation into the migration characteristics of temporary diverting agent in hydraulic fracturing of hot dry rock based on CFD-DEM coupling. Petroleum Science Bulletin, 2022, 01: 81-92.
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