首页» 过刊浏览» 2022» Vol.7» Issue(1) 106-115     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2022.01.010
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稠油油藏双水平井 SAGD 蒸汽腔上升阶段产量预测解析 模型
中国石油勘探开发研究院提高采收率国家重点实验室,北京 100083
Analytical modeling of the oil rate during the steam chamber ramp up stage of the dual horizontal Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage process in heavy oil reservoirs
SHI Lanxiang, GOU Yan, LI Xiuluan, QI Zongyao, ZHOU You
State Key Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery of PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, Beijing100083, China

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摘要  在双水平井SAGD蒸汽腔的上升阶段,其蒸汽腔形状可假设为以稳 定斜坡角度θi扩展的扇形。该斜坡角度与油藏参数和操作
关键词 : 蒸汽辅助重力泄油(SAGD);蒸汽腔高度;产油量;解析模型;稠油油藏

The ramp up stage of the steam chamber is the key stage of the dual horizontal well Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) process. The rising speed, time and the corresponding oil rate are important indexes to be paid attention to in the ramp up stage of the SAGD process. The analytical model is an important theoretical method to guide the development of the SAGD process, which is conducive to the rapid design, evaluation and comprehensive adjustment of SAGD projects in field applications. However, a simple and accurate predictive analytical model for the ramp up stage of the steam chamber is still unavailable. In this study, initially the oil rate prediction model in the ramp up stage of SAGD of double horizontal wells is developed, according to the principle of mass conservation and the understanding of the development of the steam chamber, assuming that the slope angle in the ramp up stage of the steam chamber is a variable related to reservoir parameters and operational parameters, and considering the influence of anisotropy on the reservoir permeability. Then, the initial slope angle and the head availability factor were related to reservoir parameters and operational parameters by combining the numerical simulation method and the orthogonal test analysis method. In this way, the oil rate prediction model for the ramp up stage of the SAGD process was modified and improved. Furthermore, the new model was validated with Butler’s model and field data. The results show that the initial slope angle and the head availability factor of the steam chamber are not constants, but variables related to reservoir parameters and operating parameters. A larger initial slope angle will result in a shorter time required for the steam chamber to reach to the top of the reservoir pay zone, and a greater oil rate in the ramp up stage of the steam chamber. A greater reservoir permeability, a greater vertical to horizontal permeability ratio and a greater steam injection pressure will result in a greater initial slope angle and a greater instantaneous oil rate at the same time. The order of influence is: the vertical to horizontal permeability ratio > permeability > steam injection pressure. In addition, a greater reservoir thickness will lead to a smaller initial slope angle and a shorter time required for the steam chamber to reach to the top of the reservoir pay zone. The new model has the advantages of simple theory, fast calculation and accurate calculation results, which can provide theoretical guidance for rapid optimization of SAGD development.

Key words: Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage(SAGD); steam chamber height; oil rate; analytical model; heavy oil reservoirs
收稿日期: 2022-03-30     
通讯作者: shilanxiang@petrochina.com.cn
石兰香, 苟燕, 李秀峦, 齐宗耀, 周游. 稠油油藏双水平井SAGD蒸汽腔上升阶段产量预测解析模型. 石油科学通报, 2022, 01: 106-115 SHI Lanxiang, GOU Yan, LI Xiuluan, QI Zongyao, ZHOU You. Analytical modeling of the oil rate during the steam chamber ramp up stage of the dual horizontal Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage process in heavy oil reservoirs. Petroleum Science Bulletin, 2022, 01: 106-115.
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