Research into the inversion of the induced polarization relaxation time spectrum based on the uniform amplitude sampling method
Pu Zhang,Sheng Wang,Kai-Bo Zhou,Li Kong and Hua-Xiu Zeng
Zhang, P., Wang, S., Zhou, KB. et al. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 64. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0074-1
2016 Issue 1: 64-76

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Experimental study of the azimuthal performance of 3D acoustic transmitter stations
Xiao-Hua Che,Wen-Xiao Qiao,Xiao-Dong Ju,Jun-Qiang Lu,Jin-Ping Wu and Ming Cai
Che, XH., Qiao, WX., Ju, XD. et al. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 52. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0073-2
2016 Issue 1: 52-63

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Genetic mechanism and development of the unsteady Sarvak play of the Azadegan oil feld, southwest of Iran
Yang Du,Jie Chen,Yi Cui,Jun Xin,Juan Wang,Yi-Zhen Li and Xiao Fu
Du, Y., Chen, J., Cui, Y. et al. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 34. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-016-0077-6
2016 Issue 1: 34-51

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Classifcation and characteristics of tight oil plays
Xin-Shun Zhang,Hong-Jun Wang,Feng Ma,Xiang-Can Sun,Yan Zhang and Zhi-Hui Song
Zhang, XS., Wang, HJ., Ma, F. et al. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 18. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0075-0
2016 Issue 1: 18-33

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Genetic mechanisms of secondary pore development zones of Es4 x in the north zone of the Minfeng Sag in the Dongying Depression, East China
Yan-Zhong Wang,Ying-Chang Cao,Shao-Min Zhang,Fu-Lai Li1 and Fan-Chao Meng
Wang, YZ., Cao, YC., Zhang, SM. et al. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 1. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-016-0076-7
2016 Issue 1: 1-17

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The influence of DC stray current on pipeline corrosion
Gan Cui,Zi-Li Li,Chao Yang and Meng Wang
Cui, G., Li, ZL., Yang, C. et al. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 135. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0064-3
2016 Issue 1: 135-145

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Nonlinear dynamic analysis and fatigue damage assessment for a deepwater test string subjected to random load
Deepwater test string Pipe-in-pipe model Random wave Nonlinear vibration Fatigue damage
Liu, K., Chen, GM., Chang, YJ. et al. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 126. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0063-4
2016 Issue 1: 126-134

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Numerical simulation of the impact of polymer rheology on polymer injectivity using a multilevel local grid re?nement method
Hai-Shan Luo,Mojdeh Delshad,Zhi-Tao Li and Amir Shahmoradi
Luo, HS., Delshad, M., Li, ZT. et al. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 110. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0066-1
2016 Issue 1: 110-125

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Injection of biosurfactant and chemical surfactant following hot water injection to enhance heavy oil recovery
Hot water injection Biosurfactant Chemical surfactant Enhanced oil recovery
Al-Wahaibi, Y., Al-Hadrami, H., Al-Bahry, S. et al. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 100. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0067-0
2016 Issue 1: 100-109

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Pore-scale investigation of residual oil displacement in surfactant– polymer ?ooding using nuclear magnetic resonance experiments
Zhe-Yu Liu,Yi-Qiang Li,Ming-Hui Cui1,Fu-Yong Wang and A. G. Prasiddhianti1
Liu, ZY., Li, YQ., Cui, MH. et al. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 91. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0070-5
2016 Issue 1: 91-99

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Influence of strong preformed particle gels on low permeable formations in mature reservoirs
Mahmoud O. Elshara? and Baojun Bai
Elsharafi, M.O. & Bai, B. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 77. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0072-3
2016 Issue 1: 77-90

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Preparation of furfural and reaction kinetics of xylose dehydration to furfural in high-temperature water
De-Run Hua,Yu-Long Wu,Yun-Feng Liu,Yu Chen,Ming-De Yang,Xin-Ning Lu and Jian Li
Hua, DR., Wu, YL., Liu, YF. et al. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 167. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0069-y
2016 Issue 1: 167-172

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Experimental study and a proposed new approach for thermodynamic modeling of wax precipitation in crude oil using a PC-SAFT model
Taraneh Jafari Behbahani
Jafari Behbahani, T. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 155. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0071-4
2016 Issue 1: 155-166

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Optimization of dispersed carbon nanoparticles synthesis for rapid desulfurization of liquid fuel
Effat Kianpour and Saeid Azizian
Kianpour, E. & Azizian, S. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 146. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0065-2
2016 Issue 1: 146-154

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Symbol recognition and automatic conversion in GIS vector maps
Dun-Long Liu,Zi-Yong Zhou,Qian Wu and Dan Tang1
Liu, DL., Zhou, ZY., Wu, Q. et al. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 173. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-015-0068-z
2016 Issue 1: 173-181

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