首页» 过刊浏览» 2021» Vol.6» Issue(3) 465-473     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2021.03.037
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牟建业,张宇 ,牟善波,张士诚,马新仿
1 中国石油大学(北京)油气资源与探测国家重点实验室,北京 102249 2 新疆正通石油天然气股份有限公司,克拉玛依 834000
Modeling of acid-rock interaction in naturally fractured vuggy carbonate reservoirs
MOU Jianye , ZHANG Yu , MOU Shanbo , ZHANG Shicheng , MA Xinfang
1 China University of Petroleum - Beijing, Beijing 102249, China 2 Xinjiang Zhengtong Oil & Gas Co. Ltd, Karamay 834000, China

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摘要  塔里木盆地缝洞型碳酸盐岩储层常采用酸化去除近井地带污染、提高单井产能,其改造效果受酸液在储 层中流动、反应、缝洞溶蚀规律影响,但目前缝洞型储层中酸液流动反应规律还未系统研究过。针对该问题, 本文进行缝洞型碳酸盐岩储层酸化数学建模研究,首先利用序贯高斯模拟方法生成基质孔隙、溶洞孔隙空间分 布,其次利用概率分布函数生成符合地质统计规律的天然裂缝分布,将三者结合得到缝洞型碳酸盐岩储层的基 质、溶洞、天然裂缝空间分布。然后与双重尺度蚓孔扩展模型结合形成缝洞型储层酸液流动、酸岩反应、孔缝 演化数学模型,并进行数值求解、编制模拟程序。基于数值模型,进行了酸化模拟,分析了孔缝演化规律、溶 蚀形态以及酸液流动距离。研究结果表明,天然裂缝分布对酸液流向影响显著,酸液沿部分天然裂缝流动,在 裂缝中流动较快,可以短时间内到达较远距离。溶洞内孔隙度、渗透率高,当酸液遇到溶洞时,酸液在溶洞内 铺展开,形成片状溶蚀,降低了酸液前进速度,溶蚀形态不同于天然裂缝或基质中形成的细长蚓孔。基质孔渗 远远低于天然裂缝、溶洞,酸液很少进入基质。天然裂缝分布对酸液作用距离影响较大,文中模拟条件下预测 的作用距离达到 25 m+。本文建立的模型为缝洞型储层酸化提供了优化模拟工具,为现场施工方案设计提供了 理论依据。
关键词 : 天然裂缝;溶洞;数学建模;酸岩作用;酸液作用距离
Acidizing is often used in naturally fractured vuggy carbonate reservoirs in the Tarim Basin to remove damage near  
the wellbore caused by drilling and improve the productivity. The stimulation performance depends on acid flow, acid-rock  
interaction, and rock dissolution in the reservoir. But the acid-rock interaction in naturally fractured vuggy carbonate reservoirs  
has not been systematically studied. Aiming at this problem, this article uses numerical modeling on acidizing naturally fractured  
vuggy carbonate reservoirs. Firstly, we use the method of sequential Gaussian simulation to generate a spatial distribution of  
matrix and vugs. Then we use a probability distribution function to generate geo-statistical spatial distribution of natural fractures.
Combining the three distributions above generates a spatial distribution of pores, vugs, and natural fractures. Then, a mathematical  
model of acid flow, acid-rock interaction and pore evolution is built by coupling a two-scale wormhole model with spatial distri
butions of pores, vugs, and natural fractures. Next the numerical model is developed. Based on the model, we conduct numerical  
simulation of acidizing and analyze the effects of vugs and natural fractures on the wormhole pattern as well as acid penetration  
distance. The results show that the natural fractures have a dominant effect on acid flow. The acid flows along some natural fractures,  
and the acid flows fast in the fractures so that the acid can reach a longer distance. Since the porosity and permeability in the vugs  
are high, when meeting a vug, the acid spreads out in the vug and forms a large area dissolution, which reduces the advance speed  
of the acid. The dissolution pattern in the vugs is significantly different from the thin wormholes formed in the natural fractures or  
matrix. Since the porosity and permeability of the matrix are much lower than those of natural fractures and vugs, little acid enters  
the matrix. The distribution of natural fractures has a great influence on acid penetration distance, and the predicted distance is up to  
25m under the simulated conditions. The model established in this paper provides an simulation tool for the acidizing of naturally  
fractured vuggy reservoirs and a theoretical basis for the design of acidizing schemes.

Key words: natural fracture, vug, mathematical modeling, acid-rock interaction, acid penetration distance
收稿日期: 2021-09-29     
基金资助:国家科技重大专项“靶向酸压控制因素及暂堵转向实验研究”( 编号:2016ZX05014-005-012) 资助
通讯作者: moujianye@cup.edu.cn
牟建业, 张宇, 牟善波, 张士诚, 马新仿. 缝洞型碳酸盐岩储层酸液流动反应建模. 石油科学通报, 2021, 03: 465-473 MOU Jianye, ZHANG Yu, MOU Shanbo, ZHANG Shicheng, MA Xinfang. Modeling of acid-rock interaction in naturally fractured vuggy carbonate reservoirs. Petroleum Science Bulletin, 2021, 03: 465-473.
版权所有 2016 《石油科学通报》杂志社