首页» 过刊浏览» 2024» Vol.9» lssue(1) 103-116     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2024.01.008
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砾岩致密油地质工程一体化井距优化—以玛131 小井距立体开发示范区为例
曹炜, 鲜成钢, 吴宝成, 文恒, 于会永, 申颍浩, 余智超, 余凯
1 中国石油大学( 北京) 非常规油气科学技术研究院,北京 102249 2 中国石油新疆油田公司工程技术研究院,克拉玛依 834000 3 中国石油长庆油田公司油气工艺研究院,西安 710018 4 中海油研究总院有限责任公司,北京 100028 5 中国石油大学( 北京) 地球科学学院,北京 102249 6 中国石油西南油气田公司勘探开发研究院,成都 610041
Integrated well spacing optimization for geological engineering of conglomerate tight oil
CAO Wei, XIAN Chenggang, WU Baocheng, WEN Heng, YU Huiyong, SHEN Yinghao, YU Zhichao, YU Kai
1 Unconventional Oil and Gas Science and Technology Institute, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China 2 Research Institute of Engineering Technology, PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Karamay 834000, China 3 Oil & Gas Technology Research Institute, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company, Xi’an 710018, China 4 CNOOC Research Institute Co. Ltd, Beijing 100028, China 5 College of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China 6 Exploration and Development Research Institute, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gas field Company, Chengdu 610041, China

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摘要  玛湖砾岩致密油藏的开发存在着地层非均质性强,两向应力差大,天然裂缝不发育和物性差的问题,为了更经济有效的开发,在玛131 井区首次开展了小井距立体开发现场试验,试验区整体采收率较高但经济效益并未达到预期,急需开展井距优化工作。本文采用地质工程一体化的思路和方法,建立了完整的立体井网井距优化流程,同时结合压裂参数和响应特征提出了一种多井多段条件下快速拟合压裂缝网模型的方法,主要包括:开展系统性油藏工程分析,基于精细地质和地质力学模型采用非常规裂缝模型进行复杂缝网模拟与拟合,耦合油藏数值模拟开展生产历史拟合,通过压裂数模一体化模拟完成了示范区井距优化并结合大范围井距矿场试验进行了验证。研究结果表明,解析缝长和模拟缝长结果可相互验证,百3 段水平井裂缝相对较长,平均支撑半缝长70.1 m,平均水力裂缝高度24.6 m;百2 段水平井裂缝相对较短且存在穿层效应,平均支撑半缝长61.1 m,平均水力裂缝高度28.3 m。在具备一定渗透性的地层条件下,两套开发层系的井距均可适当扩大至200~300 m,在确保较高采收率条件下提高单井产能和经济效益。本文优化验证后的井距范围可在同区块同层位进一步推广,所使用的立体井网井距优化流程可以被其他非常规油气藏类型所借鉴。
关键词 : 致密砾岩,立体井网,地质工程一体化,多级水力压裂,井距优化

The development of tight oil reservoirs in the Mahu conglomerate formation poses formidable challenges, marked by pronounced reservoir heterogeneity, significant horizontal bidirectional stress difference, the absence of natural fractures, and poor reservoir physical properties. In pursuit of a more economically efficient development strategy, a field trial involving tight well spacing and stereoscopic development was initiated for the first time in the Ma131 well area. Despite achieving a relatively high overall recovery rate in the trial area, the economic benefits fell short of expectations, prompting an urgent need for well spacing optimization.This study adopts an integrated approach that combines geological and engineering principles to establish a comprehensive method and process for optimizing the well spacing of stereoscopic well networks. Additionally, a method for rapidly fitting the hydraulic fracture network model under conditions involving multiple wells and fracturing stages is proposed, combining fracturing parameters and treatment pressure response characteristics. The key steps involve a systematic reservoir engineering analysis, utilizing unconventional fracture models based on detailed geological and geomechanical models to simulate complex fracture networks and match the history treatment pressure. The process further includes coupled reservoir numerical simulation for historical production matching. Well spacing optimization in the Ma131 stereoscopic development demonstration area was achieved through an integrated simulation of hydraulic fracturing and production, with validation conducted through a large scale well spacing field trial.The research results show that the analytical fracture length and the simulated fracture length can be mutually verified. The fractures in horizontal wells of the Bai3 section are relatively long, with an average propped half fracture length of 70.1 m and an average hydraulic fracture height of 24.6 m. In the Bai2 section, horizontal well fractures are relatively short and exhibit layer-penetrating effects, with an average propped half fracture length of 61.1 m and an average hydraulic fracture height of 28.3 m. Under conditions of certain permeability in the formation, the well spacing for both development layers can be appropriately expanded to a range of 200~300 m, ensuring an increase in individual well productivity and economic benefits while maintaining a high recovery rate.The proposed optimized well spacing range can be extended to similar development layers within the same well area, based on the well spacing field trial validation results. And the well spacing optimization method and process proposed in this study, utilizing a stereoscopic well network, can serve as a valuable reference for other unconventional oil and gas reservoir types.

Key words: tight conglomerate; stereoscopic well pattern; geological engineering integration; multistage hydraulic fracture; well spacing optimization
收稿日期: 2024-02-29     
基金资助:中国石油天然气集团有限公司—中国石油大学( 北京) 战略合作科技专项(ZLZX2020-01) 资助
通讯作者: xianchenggang@cup.edu.cn
曹炜, 鲜成钢, 吴宝成, 文恒, 于会永, 申颍浩, 余智超, 余凯. 砾岩致密油地质工程一体化井距优化—以玛131 小井距立体开发示 范区为例. 石油科学通报, 2024, 01: 103-116 CAO Wei, XIAN Chenggang, WU Baocheng, WEN Heng, YU Huiyong, SHEN Yinghao, YU Zhichao, YU Kai. Integrated well spacing optimization for geological engineering of conglomerate tight oil—A case of Ma131 tight spacing stereoscopic development demonstration area. Petroleum Science Bulletin, 2024, 01: 103-116.
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