


时间:5月19日(周二)上午 9:30-11:30

报告一: The role of activated carbon in supercapacitors
Professor: DONALD W. KIRK多伦多大学化学工程与应用化学系教授。
KIRK教授1979年博士毕业于University of Toronto,现任美国材料协会,加拿大标准协会,电化学协会,金属腐蚀工程师协会,矿业、冶金及石油协会会员,曾获安大略环境部杰出研究贡献奖。
Appointed Advisory Professor, Chongqing University, China,
Visiting Professorships: Griffith University Brisbane, Australia,
Visiting Professorships: King Mongkut University, Thailand,
Visiting Professorships: University of the Philippines, Manila.
Research Interests:
Electrochemical reaction engineering, design, modelling, use of fluidized bed and porous flow-through electrodes; reaction kinetic studies; applications in precious metal recovery, pollution control, metal dissolution and organic electrosynthesis, environmental studies (recovery and recycling).

报告二:  Matter matters in a sustainable world

Professor: CHARLES Q. JIA 多伦多大学化学工程与应用化学系教授。
JIA教授1994年博士毕业于McMaster University,现任加拿大环境工程与科学协会,化学工程协会,矿业、冶金及石油协会,安大略专业工程师协会会员。
Visiting Lectureship Award,  Louisiana State University, 2006,
Visiting Professorship award,   University of Tokyo, 2004,
Chunhui Visiting Professorship award, Chinese Ministry of Education, China, 2003.
Research Interests
Environmental and industrial applications of inorganic sulphur chemistry.
Activated carbon materials preparation and its environmental applications.
Fate and transport of pollutants in multi-media environments.