2010年获得西北大学资源勘查工程专业学士学位;2014年获得瑞典乌普萨拉大学地史学与古生物学专业博士学位。2015年6月至今在中国石油大学(北京)地球科学学院任教。现任油气资源与工程全国重点实验室学术秘书,国际古地理学会办公室副主任,《Frontiers in Earth Science》国际SCI期刊编委,地球科学学院古生物与地层学二级学科负责人。
2、 古生物人工智能鉴定
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[2] Wang H., Zhang Z., Holmer L.E., Hu S., Wang X. and Li G. (2012)Peduncular attached secondary tiering acrotretoid brachiopods from the Chengjiang fauna: Implications for the ecological expansion of brachiopods during the Cambrian explosion. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 323:60-67.
[3] Wang H., Zhang Z., Holmer L.E., Zhang Z. (2023) Redescription and systematic position of Diandongia pista from the Chengjiang Lagerstätte. Palaeoworld 32(3): 373-384.
[4] Wang H., Zhang Z. and Holmer L.E. (2014), Oldest glosselline linguliform brachiopod with soft parts from the lower Cambrian of Yunnan, Southern China. GFF,136(4):539-547
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[7] Zhang Z., Li G., Holmer L.E., Brock G. A., Balthasar U., Skovsted C.B., Fu D., Zhang X., Wang. H., Butler A., Zhang Z., Cao C., Han J., Liu, J. and Shu D. (2014) An early Cambrian agglutinated tubular lophophorate with brachiopod characters. Scientific Reports, 4:4682.
[8] Zhang Z., Zhang Z. & Wang H. (2016) Epithelial cell moulds preserved in the earliest acrotretid brachiopods from the Cambrian (Series 2) of the Three Gorges area, China. GFF, 138:4, 455-466.
[9] Xu Q., Wang H.*, Guo R., Liu P., Shi D., Liu E., Zhang Y., Wei K. (2022) Pore structural characteristics and methane adsorption capacity of transitional shale of different depositional and burial processes: a case study of shale from Taiyuan formation of the Southern North China basin. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 12:995–1008.
[10] Liu W., Xu Q., Wang H., Liu P., Guo R., Zhang Y., Wei K. (2022) Quantitative characterization of pore network and influencing factors of methane adsorption capacity of transitional shale from the southern North China Basin. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 12:793–810.
[11] 王海洲*, 刘鹏,李孝甫,张扬,张紫东. (2022)桂北地区下寒武统清溪组海相页岩甲烷吸附特征与影响因素分析。石油科学通报, 7( 2):127-138.