Research and verification of the treatment mechanism of inorganic soil remediation agent for petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants


In order to solve the problem of petroleum hydrocarbon soil pollution in oilfield development, the feasibility of using  
magnesium oxide as a remediation agent formula component, and its compatibility with fly ash and calcium oxide for petroleum  
hydrocarbon pollution remediation, was studied.. According to analysis, it is believed that magnesium oxide powder has a large  
specific surface area and rich pore structure. Coal fly ash provides a large number of active sites such as Al and Si. The alkaline  
effect of magnesium oxide and calcium oxide will synergistically adsorb petroleum hydrocarbons and form a stable mixture. The  
process is irreversible, so it achieves the purpose of remediation of petroleum contaminated soil. In order to verify the above  
mechanism, using crude oil from Fuyu and Honggang Oil Production Plants in Jilin Oilfield as pollutants, by adjusting the ratio  
of three components, the experimental study of the remediation effect of the remediation agent on petroleum contaminated soil  
shows that: the best ratio for Fuyu oil is calcium oxide: magnesium oxide: fly ash is 4:5:3. The best mixed mass ratio for Hong
gang crude oil is calcium oxide: magnesium oxide: fly ash 3:3:2, and the repair efficiency is 85 % .. Through mechanism research  
and verification experiments, it is believed that the inorganic soil remediation agent in this study has a good removal effect on  
petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants, and the remediation agent is low in cost and environmentally friendly, and is a promising
petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil remediation technology

Key words:inorganic repair agent; petroleum sludge; curing adsorption; environmental protection; in-situ remediation

Received: 2020-11-17


Cite this article:刘锐锋. 无机土壤修复剂对石油烃污染物治理机理研究与验证. 石油科学通报, 2021, 03: 516-523 LIU Ruifeng. Research and verification of the treatment mechanism of inorganic soil remediation agent for petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants. Petroleum Science Bulletin, 2021, 03: 516-523.