第69期 阳光讲坛 俄罗斯石油的过去、现在与未来

【主讲人】Vagit Alekperov 俄罗斯卢克石油公司总裁
【时 间】2013年10月15日(周二)15:30
【地 点】国际交流中心306会议室
Born in Baku, Azerbaijan, September 1, 1950, Vagit Alekperov graduated from the Azerbaijani Institute of Oil and Gas in 1974, specializing in the technology and comprehensive mechanization of oil and gas fields.He started his career as a foreman, engineer, shift supervisor, senior engineer and deputy field director of Kaspmorneft in 1974-1979. He was a general director of Kogalymneftegaz in 1987-1990 and worked as a USSR oil and gas industry deputy minister and first deputy minister in 1990-1991. Alekperov played the key role in the founding of LangepasUrajKogalym oil concern and since 1993 he is the President of LUKOIL Company.Mr. Alekperov was awarded with titles “Honorary Oil Industry Worker” and “Company’s Honoured Member”.
Vagit Alekperov先生, 1950年9月出生于阿塞拜疆共和国首都巴库,1974年毕业于阿塞拜疆石油与天然气学院,油气田技术与综合机械化专业。1974~1979年,Vagit Alekperov从基层做起,先后担任过工程师,生产主管,高级工程师和Kaspmorneft油田副局长并于1987~1990年担任该油田局长。1990~1991年,他先后担任前苏联石油天然气工业副部长及首席副部长,在卢克石油公司创立过程中扮演了重要的角色。由1993年至今,Alekperov先生一直担任卢克石油公司总裁,曾荣获“名誉石油行业工作者”和“公司荣誉成员”等光荣称号。