申颍浩,博士,副研究员,博士生导师,碳中和示范性能源学院副院长,非常规油气教育部国际联合实验室办公室主任,中国石油大学(北京)-斯伦贝谢地质工程一体化联合实验室主任,美国德州理工大学访问学者,自2012年开始从事非常规油气高效开发理论与技术的研究,主要研究方向:油气地质工程一体化、立体开发理论与技术、压裂提采一体化技术,主持国家重点研发计划专题1项,国家重大专项子任务1项,主持国家自然科学基金1项,参与国家自然科学基金4项,参与973课题1项,发表SCI论文30余篇,累计引用800余次,授权发明专利15项,担任《Petroleum Science》青年编委,以主要人员获得2018年度中国石油和化学工业联合会创新团队奖——非常规油气研究创新团队。
[1] Meng, Mianmo, Hongkui Ge, Yinghao Shen, Qinhong Hu, Longlong Li, Zhiye Gao, Tonghui Tian, and Jing Chao. "The effect of clay-swelling induced cracks on imbibition behavior of marine shale reservoirs." Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 83 (2020): 103525.
[2] Liu, Dunqing, Hongkui Ge, Yinghao Shen, Hongxian Liu, and Yanjun Zhang. "Experimental investigation on imbibition characteristics of shale with highly developed bedding fractures." Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 96 (2021): 104244.
[3] Zhang, Yanjun, Hongkui Ge, Yinghao Shen, John McLennan, Dunqing Liu, Qiwei Li, Dong Feng, and Leilei Jia. "The retention and flowback of fracturing fluid of branch fractures in tight reservoirs." Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 198 (2021): 108228.
[4] Shen, Yinghao, Hongkui Ge, Xiuling Zhang, Long Chang, Dunqing Liu, and Junrong Liu. "Impact of fracturing liquid absorption on the production and water-block unlocking for shale gas reservoir." Advances in Geo-Energy Research 2, no. 2 (2018): 163-172.
[5] Pang, Yu, Yuanyuan Tian, Mohamed Y. Soliman, and Yinghao Shen. "Experimental measurement and analytical estimation of methane absorption in shale kerogen." Fuel 240 (2019): 192-205.
[6] Shen, Yinghao, Hongkui Ge, Mianmo Meng, Zhenxue Jiang, and Xinyu Yang. "Effect of water imbibition on shale permeability and its influence on gas production." Energy & Fuels 31, no. 5 (2017): 4973-4980.
[7] 申颍浩,葛洪魁,宿帅,刘敦卿,杨志辉,刘峻嵘.页岩气储层的渗吸动力学特性与水锁解除潜力[J].中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学,2017,47(11):88-98.
[8] Shen, Yinghao, Hongkui Ge, Mianmo Meng, Zhenxue Jiang, and Xinyu Yang. "Effect of water imbibition on shale permeability and its influence on gas production." Energy & Fuels 31, no. 5 (2017): 4973-4980.
[9] Shen, Yinghao, Caoxiong Li, Hongkui Ge, Xinyu Yang, and Xuxin Zeng. "Spontaneous imbibition in asymmetric branch-like throat structures in unconventional reservoirs." Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 44 (2017): 328-337.
[10] Shen, Yinghao, Caoxiong Li, Hongkui Ge, Xuejing Guo, and Shaojun Wang. "Spontaneous imbibition process in micro–nano fractal capillaries considering slip flow." Fractals 26, no. 02 (2018): 1840002.
[11] Meng, Mianmo, Yinghao Shen, Hongkui Ge, Xiaosong Xu, and Yang Wu. "The Effect of Fracturing Fluid Saturation on Natural Gas Flow Behavior in Tight Reservoirs." Energies 13, no. 20 (2020): 5278.
[12] Shen, Yinghao, Guohua Luan, Haiyong Zhang, Qian Liu, Junjing Zhang, and Hongkui Ge. "Novel method for calculating the effective stress coefficient in a tight sandstone reservoir." KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 21, no. 6 (2017): 2467.
[13] Shen, Yinghao, Mianmo Meng, Tao Liu, Hongkui Ge, and Yuelei Zhang. "Impact of petrophysical properties on hydraulic fracturing and development in tight volcanic gas reservoirs." Geofluids 2017 (2017).
[14] Shen, Yinghao, Zhaopeng Zhu, Peng Shi, Hongkui Ge, and Zhihui Yang. "Ion diffusion behavior between fracturing water and shale and its potential influence on production." Journal of Chemistry 2017 (2017).