











[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,51504274,基于虚拟传感与故障机理的油气设备安全预测理论及模型研究,2016/01-2018/12,23.28万元,在研,主持

[2] 国家重点研发计划子课题,2016YFC0802103,大型输油泵机组多源异构信息融合监测预警技术,2016/07-2020/12,96万元,在研,主持

[3] 企业委托横向项目,海洋石油982平台关键设备状态监测与诊断系统,2017/12-2018/06,320万元,在研,主持

[4] 企业委托横向项目,大型压气站场多源数据集成及可视化展示,2018/03-2019/02,38万元,在研,参加

[5] 校优秀青年学者培育计划基金,基于迁移学习的油气装备智能诊断理论研究,2018/01-2020/12,20万元,在研,主持

[6] 企业委托横向项目,机械设备状态监测与故障诊断技术年度服务,2017/08-2018/07,56.484万元,在研,主持

[7] 校青年拔尖人才科研启动基金,信息不完备下的复杂系统故障诊断及预测理论关键问题研究,2014/10-2017/12,40万元,已结题,主持

[8] 美国自然科学基金,CMMI-1000816,Multivariate remote process sensing for improved observability in injection molding,2010/01-2014/05,$36.2万美元,已结题,参加

[9] 9.2012.1-2014.5,Multivariate remote process sensing for improved observability in injection molding, 美国国家自然科学基金(参与)。


[1] 王金江,郑赢豪,王柯博,张来斌,段礼祥,叶伦宽,陈怡玥,一种输油泵工况自适应状态预警系统及方法,201710651507.7,中国知识产权局,2017 (专利申请).

[2] 王金江,郑赢豪,张来斌,段礼祥,袁壮,叶伦宽,在线测量往复机械传动链间隙量的方法及装置,201710391617.4,中国知识产权局,2017 (专利申请).

[3] R. Gao, J. Wang, and R. Yan, B. Ellis, B. Smith, and J. Sanchez, “Methods and Apparatus for Defect Diagnosis in a Mechanical System”, International Patent (Mexican) No. 351680, October 25, 2017.

[4] Chengrui Zhang, Jinjiang Wang, “Real-time synchronous method and synchronous network based on the standard Ethernet”, PCT/CN2008/000268, 2008.

[5] 张承瑞,王金江, 一种实现以太网链状网络节点间同步的装置与方法, CN101039173, 中国知识产权局, 2008 (已授权).

[6] 张承瑞,王金江, 基于标准以太网的实时同步网络及其工作方法, CN101018115, 中国知识产权局, 2008 (已授权).

[7] 张承瑞, 徐晓东, 邵峰, 王金江, 一种数控车床的智能控制系统及其控制方法, CN1740932, 中国知识产权局, 2007 (已授权).

[8] 段礼祥,王文书,张来斌,王金江. 一种无油往复设备的活塞杆负荷直接检测装置,发明专利,ZL:201610647742.2(授权公告日:2017年10月20日)

[9] 段礼祥,张来斌,蔡战胜,王金江等. 振动故障诊断装置,实用新型:ZL201620690622.6(授权公告日:2017年1月11日)


[1] Jinjiang Wang, Yulin Ma, Laibin Zhang, Robert X. Gao, Dazhong Wu, Deep learning for smart manufacturing: methods and applications, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmsy.2018.01.003.

[2] Jinjiang Wang, Kebo Wang, Yangshen Wang, Zuguang Huang, Ruijuan Xue, Deep Boltzmann machine based condition prediction for smart manufacturing, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-018-0794-3.

[3] Jinjiang Wang, Yinghao Zheng, Peng Wang, Robert X. Gao, A virtual sensing based augmented particle filter for tool condition monitoring, Journal of Manufacturing Process, 28(2017) 472-478.

[4] Jinjiang Wang, Laibin Zhang, Lixiang Duan, Robert X. Gao, A new paradigm of cloud-based predictive maintenance for intelligent manufacturing, 28(2017)1125-1137.

[5] Jinjiang Wang, Junyao Xie, Rui Zhao, Laibin Zhang, Lixiang Duan, Multisensory fusion based virtual tool wear sensing for ubiquitous manufacturing, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 45(2017)47-58.

[6] Jinjiang Wang, Yinghao Zheng, Laibin Zhang, Lixiang Duan, Rui Zhao, Virtual sensing for gearbox condition monitoring based on kernel factor analysis, Petroleum Science, 14(2017)539-548.

[7] Jinjiang Wang, Junyao Xie, Rui Zhao, Kezhi Mao, Laibin Zhang, A new probabilistic kernel factor analysis for multisensory data fusion: application to tool condition monitoring, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 65(11)(2016)2527-2537.

[8] Jinjiang Wang, Peng Wang, Robert X. Gao, Enhanced particle filter for tool wear prediction, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 36(2015)35-45.

[9] Jinjiang Wang, Robert X. Gao, Ruqiang Yan, Multi-scale enveloping order spectrogram for rotating machine health diagnosis, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 46(2014)28-44.