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[2] 碳材料化学

[3] 新型纳米光电器件与可穿戴技术


[1] CH Zhang, SL Zhao, CH Jin, AL Koh, Y Zhou, WG Xu, QC Li, QH Xiong, HL Peng*, ZF Liu*, Direct growth of large-area graphene and boron nitride heterostructures by a co-segregation method, Nature Commun., 6(2015)6519.

[2] T Gao, XJ Song, HW Du, YF Nie, YB Chen, QQ Ji, JY Sun, YL Yang, YF Zhang*, ZF Liu*, Temperature-triggered chemical switching growth of in-plane and vertically stacked graphene-boron nitride heterostructures, Nature Commun., 6(2015)6835.

[3] LM Zhang, JW Yu, MM Yang, Q Xie, HL Peng*, ZF Liu*, Janus graphene from asymmetric two-dimensional chemistry, Nature Commun., 4(2013) 1443.

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[5] YB Chen, XL Guo, ZW Xu, Y Hu, HT Xu, S Wang, ZY Shen, YF Zhang, LM Peng, F Ding, ZF Liu and J Zhang*, Helicity-Dependent Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Alignment on Graphite for Helical Angle and Handedness Recognition, Nature Commun.,4(2013)2205.

[6] HL Peng*, WH Dang, J Cao, YL Chen, D Wu, WS Zheng, H Li, ZX Shen, ZF Liu, Topological insulator nanostructures for near-infrared transparent flexible electrodes, Nature Chemistry 4(2012)281.

[7] K Yan, D Wu, HL Peng*, L Jin, Q Fu, XH Bao, ZF Liu*, Modulation-doped growth of mosaic graphene with single-crystalline p-n junctions for efficient photocurrent generation, Nature Commun., 3(2012)1280.

[8] BY Dai, L Fu, ZY Zou, M Wang, HT Xu, S Wang, ZF Liu*, Rational design of a binary metal alloy for chemical vapour deposition growth of uniform single-layer graphene, Nature Commum., 2(2011)522.

[9] YG Yao, QW Li, J Zhang*, R Liu, LY Jiao, YT Zhu*, ZF Liu*, Temperature-mediated growth of single-walled carbon-nanotube intramolecular junctions, Nature Materials 6(4)(2007)283.