




[1] 国家重点研发项目:海洋石油天然气开采事故防控技术研究及工程示范任务三:海洋油气开采工艺设施安全及完整性检测、监测技术及装备(2017-2020)

[2] 国家重点研发项目:国家石油及天然气储备库安全保障技术与装备研发专题:基于巨磁阻效应的石油天然气罐体、附属管道检测技术(2017-2020)

[3] 国家自然基金项目:摩擦过程的磁记忆效应及其用于磨损状态监测的基础研究(2012-2016)

[4] 国家重大专项子课题:荔湾3-1及周边气田钻完井作业安全与风险控制技术(2011-2015)

[5] 国家重大专项“3000型成套压裂装备研制及应用示范工程”子课题“非金属材料及安全检测技术研究”(2011-2015)

[6] 国家国际科技合作项目(中俄):复杂油气井钻柱及套管磨损预防技术研究(2011-2016)

[7] 中石化集团公司项目:页岩气压裂系统安全监控与连续油管在线监测技术(2017-2019)

[8] 中石油塔里木油田公司项目:钻柱疲劳损伤一体化监测技术推广应用(2013-2015)

[9] 中石化胜利油田项目: 临海油气管道磁记忆内检测装置及试验平台研发(2017-2019)


[1] 樊建春,张来斌等,一种可施加拉力的冲蚀试验机, CN102353601B, 2013.07.31

[2] 2. 张来斌 谢永金 樊建春等,一种模拟高压管汇的冲蚀试验机,CN102288503B, 2013.08.14

[3] 3. 樊建春 张来斌等,油管检测装置,CN102087258B, 2013.09.18,

[4] 4. 张来斌,樊建春等,基于磁记忆的法兰密封性检测方法、检测装置及检测系统,CN102338683B

[5] 5. 熊毅,樊建春等,一种室内钻井事故及井控技术模拟试验装置, CN103065538B 2014.12.03

[6] 6. 孙文勇 张来斌 胡家顺 樊建春等,一种基于磁记忆效应的弯管损伤扫描检测CN102830158B, 2015.04.08


[1] Haoyuan Dai, Jianchun Fan, Experimental study on ignition mechanisms of wet granulation sulfur caused by friction, Journal of Hazardous Materials 344 (2018) 480–489

[2] Hu, Zhibin; Fan, Jianchun, Characteristics of Metal Magnetic Memory Testing of 35CrMo Steel during Fatigue Loading, METALS, 8(2018)2-15

[3] FuMin Gao, JianChun Fan, Research on the effect of remanence and the earth's magnetic field on tribo-magnetization phenomenon of ferromagnetic materials, Tribology International 109 (2017) 165–173 ?

[4] Ximing zhang, JianChun Fan, A Novel Acoustic Liquid Level Determination Method for Coal Seam Gas Wells Based on Autocorrelation Analysis, Energies,2017, 10(12)1-22

[5] FuMin Gao, JianChun Fan, In situ observation of the magnetic domain in the process of ferroalloy friction, Tribology International, 97(2016)371–378

[6] KunPeng Zhao, JianChun Fan, Research on tribo-magnetization phenomenon of ferromagnetic materials under dry reciprocating sliding, Tribology International, 92(2015)146-153

[7] Bingcai Sun, JianChun Fan, An experimental study of slurry erosion involving tensile stress for pressure pipe manifold, Tribology International, 82(2015),280-286,

[8] Yu Yanqiu, Fan Jianchun, Research on Explosion Characteristics of Sulfur Dust and Risk Control of the Explosion, Procedia Engineering, 84( 2014) 449-459

[9] Luning Xue, Jianchun Fan, A safety barrier-based accident model for offshore drilling blowouts, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 26(2013) 164-171